1. The competition organizer

Asociatia Clubul Sportiv BikeXpert (BikeXpert Sports Club Association), Bucuresti, Str. Arad, Nr. 30, CUI: 31549379
The organizer reserves the right to modify any of the conditions laid down in this regulation during the conduct of the event, on reasonable grounds, but not before announcing the public on these modifications.

  1. The place and duration of the competition
    BikeXpert Alpine Challenge is a cross-country marathon competition which will be held on Saturday, October the 5th, 2024, in Dambovița county, with the start and finish in the Pucioasa city, on Bulevardul Gării, the start of the competition taking place at 10 AM.
  2. Conditions for participation
    The participants under the age of 18 will submit the written Parental Consent on the day of picking up the kit (except for the athletes registered as Cadets and Juniors). Failure to submit the parental consent will entail the taking out of the competition of any minor. Those aged over 18, along with the cadets and juniors, must submit a self-declaration, when picking up the kit.
    Each participant shall take full responsibility for his state of health. All participants must prove fair play on the entire duration of the competition.
  3. Mandatory equipment
    • The cycling helmet is MANDATORY for all contestant categories, both during the competition, as well as during the recon rides;
    • Only mountain bikes with 26, 27.5 or 29 inch wheels, in a good working condition will be allowed.
    • The bikes used in BikeXpert Alpine Challenge must only be propelled by human force. Participation with electric bikes is only allowed in the E-Bike Race category;
    • The race numbers are to be mounted on the bike, in front, and they will not be removed until after crossing the finish line (or in case of abandon);
    • The contestants can repair or replace any part except for the frame. Changing/switching the bike is not allowed, the contestants must cross the finish line with the same frame and the same number on the handlebar;
    • In case of flat tire, failure or stop, the contestant is required to clear the route, in order to avoid accidents and solve his problem in a safe spot.
  4. Recommendations
  • Spare tubes, patches, cycle pump, tools;
    • Water bottles (preferably secured at hand in the bike support/s) or a hydration kit backpack;
    • Cycling glasses;
    • The cycling gloves and padded cycling pants are part of the recommended equipment;
    • Cycle pump, spare tube, patches and tire levers;
  • Waterproof jacket;
  • Mobile phone;

The participants in the long route and the children participating in the 16 km route (11-14 years) should have an average level of training, as the routes are not intended for beginners.

  1. Competition categories

The long route:

  • M/F Elite (with Elite or U23 license)
  • M 19-29 years (with or without license)
  • Master 1 (M 30-39 years, with or without license)
  • Master 2 (M 40- 49 ani, with or without license)
  • Master 3 (M 50 years +, with or without license)
  • Master 4 (M 60 years +, with or without license)
  • F 19 years + (with or without license)

The medium route:

  • M/F Juniors registered
  • M/F 19-29 years (with or without license)
  • F 30-30 years (with or without license)
  • F 40 + years (with or without license)
  • Master 1 (M 30-39 years, with or without license)
  • Master 2 (M 40-49 years, with or without license)
  • Master 3 (M 50 years +, with or without license)
  • Master 4 (M 60 years +, with or without license)

The short route:

  • M/F Cadets (15-16 years with or without license)
  • Hobby M/F Open – 18 years +
  • Children M/F 8-10 years
  • Children M/F 11-12 years
  • Children M/F 13-14 years

Kids XCO route:

  • Children M/F 5-6 years
  • Children M/F 7-8 years

E-Bike Fun (on the medium route):

  • M/F 18 years +


Regulation E-bike Bikexpert Alpine Challenge 2024

1. An E-MTB (Pedelec) bicycle is a hybrid bicycle powered by two energy sources, an electric motor and a cyclist who pedals,
the engine offering assistance only during pedaling, being allowed to assist without pedaling (walk mode), up to a maximum speed of 6km / h.

2. The competitors will use during the whole competition 1 single bicycle as well as the battery installed on it,
its replacement leading to disqualification.

3. The competitor will appear 30 minutes before the start at the BikeAdviser stand for verification and sealing
bicycle and battery and after the competition to validate the result.


Other mentions:

– Age is being calculated according to the year of birth.
– The organizer reserves the right to deny the registration of an applicant within the requested category, if the latter does not comply with the above-mentioned criteria.
– In case a category does not gather at least 5 participants, the respective category will be cumulated with the others (except for the children category).
– The professional cyclists registered as M Elite or M U23 with the Romanian Cycling Federation or an international equivalent are only allowed to participate in the long route.

  1. Children:
  • M/F 5-6 years – beginner level XCO trail, laid out in the Pucioasa park
  • M/F 7-8 years – beginner level XCO trail, laid out in the Pucioasa park
  • M/F 9-10 years – 16 km route, included in the big route (! Technical route for this category)
  • M/F 11-12 years – 16 km route, included in the big route
  • M/F 13-14 years old – 16 km route, included in the big route

The children’s participation is only permitted based on the parental consent.

  1. The registration process, kit pick-up and fees:

Online registrations and all registrations are open until 3rd of October, 2024, 12 o’clock, or until all available tickets run out. The participants fill in the form online. The value of the participation fee is paid according to the payment period, as follows:

  • Participation fees for the long route, short route and E-Bike race route:
    130 lei – until September, 5th
    180 lei – September, 6th – September, 20th
    200 lei – September, 21th – October, 3rd
    80 lei – for kids

In case of withdrawal from the race, the participation fee will not be returned, except for cases where the participant can prove his incapacity to participate by medical documents.

  1. Payment methods:
    By bank transfer, by credit/debit card, until the 30th of September, subject to availability.
  2. Kit pick-up and race numbers:

When picking up the registration kits, you need the and Self-declaration and for the minors the written Parental Consent , and also the ID.


  • The long route – 86 km / 2900 m elevation gain
    START from Pucioasa – Fieni – Dealul Frumos – Runcu – valea Ialomicioara – cabana Leaota (1330 m)- sub varful Românescu (1650m)- Curmătura Tâncavei (1775m)- sub vârful Leaota (1800m) – valea Raciu – vârful Cucuteanca (1286m) – schitul Cucuteanca – valea Vaca – Runcu – Brebu (800m) – Raul Alb- Costesti- Fieni- FINISH in Pucioasa.

This route is only recommended for well-trained cyclists, as the level of difficulty is medium-advanced!

(!) Intermediate time limit 1: at 11:30 at the route separation point.

(!) Intermediate time limit 2: at 14:00 at the route separation point.

  • The medium route and the E-bike race route – 40 km / 1100 m elevation gain
    START from Pucioasa- Fieni- Dealul Frumos- Runcu – Raul Alb- Costesti- Fieni- FINISH in Pucioasa. This year too, we have prepared a special category for riders who wish to participate in the race with electric bikes, on this route.
  • The short route and children route – 16 km / 350 m elevation gain
    START from Pucioasa- Fieni – Berevoiești – FINISH in Pucioasa.
  1. Start
    The race start will be on October, the 5th, 2024, from 10.00 o’clock, in Pucioasa.
  2. Marking
    The marking will be made on trees, rocks or on the ground, with “CUBE” or “BikeXpert” marking band and red fluorescent poles.
  3. Resposabilities

Organizer responsibilities:

  • provides the start kit for the contestants;
  • provides the safety of the contestants in the Start/Finish areas, according to authority regulations during the state of alert;
    • provides the properly marked competition route;
    • provides the rehydration and checkup points;
    • provides prizes in cash, products and medals;
    • provides the placement of control points along the route and the compliance with the contestants’ arrival order to these; the timed arrival by a chip system;
    • provides the safety to start and finish areas, by security and medical support;
    • provides a medal for each finalist;
    • provides the conduct of the technical meeting before the race;
    The organizer is exempted from liability if the audience deteriorates the guiding markings during the race. Under unfavorable weather conditions, the organizer can decide to stop/postpone/cancel the race.
    Participant responsibilities:
  • all contestants participate in the race on their own responsibility;
    • the contestants commit to wear the chip received when picking up the kit and validating the registration. In case of losing the competition chip during the race, the contestant cannot be included in the ranking;
    • each participant is compelled to follow the guiding instructions of the route coordinators. In places where these coordinators lack, the contestant should exercise caution and not shorten the route, while complying with the following rules:
    – when overtaking, each contestant has the duty to announce the contestant ahead of him the side on which he is about to overtake;
    –  the contestant in front, on the narrow trail, has the obligation to not chicane and to allow the overtaking of the contestant behind him, in case the latter is faster;
    • the contestant suffering an accident or any type of material damage (bike, other equipment) cannot claim moral or material damage and waives, by his very race registration, any right to claim subsequent compensation;
    • the contestants must know the competition rules and participate in the technical meeting, cautiously consider the information announced by the organizers; during the technical meeting, the organizer announces official information even if it is not drawn up in this regulation;
    • in case of acknowledging an accident, the contestants are compelled to report it to the following control point or call the emergency number displayed on the race number or 112;
    • the contestants are compelled to follow the environmental protection rules;
    • in case of technical abandon or disqualification, the athlete must transport his bike to the finish line (except for the accidents);
    • the contestants must protect / avoid the potential audience or people accidentally arrived on the route;
  • the contestants can be supplied by their team members or personal staff only in supply points;
  • In case a contestant wins a product in the Raffle, he must pick it up himself and show his race number.
  1. Charitable purpose

Part of the profits from registration fees will be donated to MagiCAMP, the special camp for children with oncological conditions, near Pucioasa. By registering to BikeXpert Alpine Challenge, the contestants agree to receive, by email,  details on how they could help the MagiCAMP project.

  1. Conditions entailing the disqualification
  • not completing the entire route or shortening it;
    • not using the protective helmet during the race;
    • a Fair-Play lacking conduct and offensive language towards the other contestants, organizers or audience (insulting, shoving the contestants, chicaning, etc.);
    • use of help from outside the competition (using motor vehicles or motorcycles etc);
    • changing the bike during the race;
    • changing the race number;
    • losing or destroying the timing chip;
    • abandoning packages or other waste on the route. These may only left in the supply points and in the arrival area;
    • disqualifications can also occur after the race, following the visualization of pictures, videos or grounded complaints from other contestants.
  1. Force Majeure

In case the organization of the race is hindered by force majeure events or unfavorable weather events, the organizer reserves the right to decide, where appropriate, the postponing /halting /extension of the race or route modification.
The organizer reserves the right to modify this regulation whenever necessary. These possible modifications will be published on the Internet official page of the BikeXpert Alpine Challenge competition.
In case of withdrawal from the race, the participation fee will not be returned.

By registering into the competition, the participants declare that they agree with their personal data being processed by the organizer, as well as with the participation to the BikeXpert Alpine Challenge competition, this involving the acceptance and consent of the participants that their personal data be stored and processed by A.C.S. BikeXpert with the aim of conducting the competition and communicating useful information, both for this year’s edition, as well as for the subsequent editions.