Contact person in charge with organizing and coordinating the application of the protocols laid down: Dan Sprinceana – Tel. 0722328702

A. When preparing the event  

1. In order to limit the number of those exposed to a potential risk of infection as much as possible, only persons whose presence is absolutely necessary will participate in organising and carrying out the competitions.

2. The organiser supplies the protective equipment (mask, gloves) for the entire staff involved in organising the competition.

3. The organiser provides the hand sanitizing measures with approved / authorised biocidal products upon entering the space intended for the event to all participants;

4. The organiser will place in a visible place, in all spaces used by the contestants, written notices/information posters on the hand hygiene and respiratory hygiene rules, social responsibility practice by social distancing and monitoring one’s health state;

5. At the sporting event organisation site, the medical staff carries out the digital temperature measurement of the persons involved in the conduct of the competition (athletes, referees, coaches, volunteers, etc). In case of registering a temperature exceeding 37,3°C, this will be reported to the event coordinator in view of isolating the suspicious case, while immediatly notifying the Public Health Department and the other relevant authorities;

6. Providing the periodic disinfection of the elements used by several persons (for instance, door knobs, the reception, the floors etc.) with biocidal substances approved / authorised to this purpose;

7. The organiser will provide the placement of soap dispensers, disinfecting solution dispensers, as well as disposable hygienic (paper) towels in restrooms. Also, he will provide the periodic disinfection of the restrooms with approved / authorised biocidal products.

B. At the Race office

1. The numbers and start kits are picked up by each contestant or his representative, only based on an ID, noting that each contestant must individually pass the epidemiologic triage! For children, picking up is made by one of the parents.

2. The Race office access will be restricted to 3 persons at maximum (besides the staff) at the same time. The waiting will be organised so that the minimal 2 m distance between participants is complied with.

3. In Pucioasa, including outdoors, the wearing of a protective mask is mandatory!

4. The Race office will be permanently aired.

5. The staff will wear masks in the Race office at all times.

C. During the event

1. An event area will be delimited, inside which the rules presented below apply. The access in the event area is made by one single point.

2. The access of the spectators in the event-delimited area is forbidden. The access in the respective area will only be allowed for athletes, their staff and organising staff.

3. Each team can have a staff formed of up to 5 persons in the event area. Each minor can be accompanied by one single parent. Their registration will be made previous to the event by an e-mail at

4. All participants (athletes, coaches, staff, referees, organisers, volunteers, media representatives etc.) will be daily subjected to an epidemiologic triage, consisting of filling in a questionnaire and thermal scan, in order to facilitate a potential epidemiologic investigation. This will be carried out at the triage point placed at the event area entrance and each participant will receive a colored wristband for the respective day. The access of the participants in the area is forbidden without passing the triage point.

5. All participants are to wear masks as long as they are in the event-delimited area, including the athletes at the starting grid.

6. The starting grid arrangement will be carried out with respect for the 2 m distance between the contestants.

7. The organiser will supply water and other energising products along the route in accordance with strict sanitary hygiene rules.

8. The organiser will provide every athlete with an individual protection kit consisting of mask and hand sanitizer;

9. The organiser will provide special bins with lids and specific inscriptions for sanitary protection materials in the event area.

10. The organiser will make sure that conditions are created for all participants to comply with the 2 m physical distance requirements.

D. Procedures in the event of detecting a COVID-19 suspicious case

The organiser will provide an isolation space for at least one person with COVID-19 symptomatology, that should be well-ventilated, not communicating with other premises or defined spaces; the utility is to isolate any person showing symptoms from the rest of the competition-attending persons, until a specialised examination / testing / evacuation. The potential suspicious case will be immediatly announced to the medical staff from the competition site and the local Public Health Department and the 112 emergency service will be mandatorily notified. This space will be used solely for such situations.

E. Recommendations for the participants 

1. The registration and payment of the registration fee will only be carried out online.

2. All participants (athletes, volunteers, officials, etc) must monitor their state of health and strictly comply with the basic steps for protection against COVID-19, such as hand hygiene, physical distancing, avoid touching the eyes, nose and mouth, observe the respiratory hygiene and observe the recommendations to stay home and request medical assistance, in case of any disease-specific symptoms.

3. The transport of the participants to and from the event area (Pucioasa, Dâmbovița) is recommended to be performed by using the personal vehicle. If buses/minibuses are employed, it is required to comply with the provisions of the Order of the Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communications and of the Minister of Health no. 984/829/2020 on the measures for preventing contamination with the new SARS-CoV-2 virus and for ensuring the conduct of activities under health safety conditions in the field of transport, during the state of alert (Annex 2, MEASURES AND RULES imposing to be implemented in the field of road passenger transport during the state of alert, to prevent the spread of COVID-19);

4. It is recommended that the participants arrive at different times at the competition venue, in order to avoid people crowding in certain points.

5. In case the race participants stay for several days, their accommodation will take place in compliance with the Order of the Minister of Economy, Energy and Business Environment no. 1731/832/2020 on the measures for preventing the contamination with the new SARS CoV-2 coronavirus and for ensuring the conduct of activities under health safety conditions in the field of economy during the state of alert (Annex no. 3, RECOMMENDATIONS on the functioning of tourist accommodation structures).

6. During the event and after the event:

– the participants must maintain a minimum 2 m physical distance between them or at least 7 sq.m. for a person, in order to limit the possibility of Sars-COV-2 spread;

– the participants must comply with the hygiene rules (ex. use of a disposable handkerchief in case of coughing or sneezing, avoid the switch of sports equipment, soap, water bottles and other personal items between the contestants, avoid physical contact – handshakes, hugs at the end of the event).